Re: Critique my display neo-grotesque
This is not going to be helpful for them, but I write it to help other people who are reading the thread: I am always sad when somebody like “tersaniko” shows up with a complete font and asks for fee…1 -
Re: Second opinion: Plagiarism or inspiration of 2 of my typefaces
So, first off, is it plagiarism? Sure feels like it. Whether legal or not, it is certainly ethically questionable to rip off the design from a living designer who is still licensing the font to users…3 -
Re: History of type communities, and its future?
Like @"Mark Simonson" and some of the other posters, I would not have gotten serious about type, if not for the early online communities. In my case, the CompuServe DTP forum and later also…2 -
Re: Print shop to the Stars. (Adam Savage again)
Leah’s article has great advice on how she makes old-timey signage for things like Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I was fascinated, very smart stuff.2 -
Re: New font name for the 10th anniversary version
You aren’t wrong to think of it as more Minion! :smiley: However, it also has a different name so it can coexist with the previous generation. Both can be installed and neither will overwrite the oth…2